Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Get to getting

We woke early, with everything packed. All that we needed to do was to put the panniers on the bikes and walk to the bus stop. We made it, after a slight scare at almost missing what we thought was our bus, with plenty of time that we utilized to get coffee. The bus came, bike free, so we were off to Ukiah by way of some of the windiest hilliest roads I've ever seen. The scenery was quite spectacular especially with the morning fog. Alyssa was more effected by the terrain however and was rather motion sick for most of the 4 hour bus ride. We arrived in Ukiah, and since we got to choose where we wanted to be dropped off, we chose the Safeway with a Starbucks. From there, I called to inquire about a rental car. They picked me up, and a girl was very helpful giving me many discounts, but was unable to get me a car right away because it had not yet arrived, but for waiting, I got a full sized Nissan Altima for the price of a compact which meant that we would for sure be able to cram our bikes into the trunk. We used a roll of plastic drop cloth to wrap our bikes in as to not dirty the boot of our nice new rental. After loading the car, we set off for Eureka, but quickly found that we shared a secret motive; we needed the slots. Maybe it was the billboards advertising casinos or maybe it was the more luxurious turn that our vacation had taken, but either way, it was decided. We stopped at a few smaller redwood forests along the way, made it to Eureka for a Mexican dinner, and set to choosing our casino. Because of the time, we decided to get a hotel first. We found one not far from the casino, checked in....... and promptly fell asleep after gambling that if we lay down for just a minute, we would be better rested to do well at the casino. We should have known; we hadn't even made it to the casino, and we had already started making risky bets.

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