Friday, September 3, 2010

A Failed Attempt to Leave the City

We woke up today expecting to pack up, load the bikes, and leave San Francisco. Instead we woke up with headaches and in addition David caught a cold. Of course there were also errands to run before we could leave like going to the post office to mail back the netbook and thrifting because David forgot his riding shorts. While thrifting earlier in the week we did find a pair of riding shorts but couldn't remember where we had seen them. So after mailing the box we went to several thrift stores to try to find David his shorts, but we were not successful. Per usual, we also needed to come up with an exit route and realized we didn't have any maps. At about 1:30 David suggested we just leave the next day instead of trying to make it out of the city today. I thought he was just kidding, but he wasn't, and he was right; there wasn't enough time to make it anywhere. Annoyed, I agreed but only if we went out to eat at one of the many vegetarian restaurants AND if we were packed and ready to go by that evening so that we could leave early the next morning. I texted Levent and asked him if he would be upset if we stayed one more night because we weren't ready to leave. He agreed, and we decided on an Indian lunch that was amazing! There was so much food, and we were so full when we finished, so full that we needed to take a nap in the park for two hours. After two hours in the park, we still hadn't find a pair of shorts for David, and we didn't have any maps. This is so typical. We went to a couple book shops with no luck so we headed back to Levent's apartment. He laughed at us when he got back from work and helped us find some maps. After going to several shops we found what we needed at a sports store. Levent was starving so we went to a Pakistani Indian place to eat, and it was also had amazing food. After eating we went to a bar in the Castro for a Couchsurfing Event. It was fun, and it was the first one that I or David had ever been to. It was kind of like speed dating, totally ok if you ask where people are from and what they do, and its not weird. Now tomorrow, we just have to leave!

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