Friday, September 10, 2010

Decisions with a pinch of hastiness

Our excuse is that we were nursing our colds, but in actuality, the bus that we were supposed to catch left at 8:10; we didn't know exactly what we were going to do from the end destination, Ukiah, and we didn't wake up until 8:10, leaving little time to pack and make in to the bus stop. Ukiah, a small town in the interior of California, was decided to be our best destination because of our fledgling plan of taking an Amtrak to Portland. The uncertainty in the plan was due to the four hour bus ride that would nearly take us back to San Francisco which, when coupled with the 4 hour layover and the 16 hour train ride, would make a 25 hour trip and was also due to the lack of information regarding Amtrak's accommodations for bicycles. Regardless of the reasons for it, we stayed another night in Point Arena at the Sea Shell Inn. When we woke, we looked for breakfast at the two tiny markets which completed a tour of the towns food stores, and looked for a box to ship more of our items back to Ohio that we would no longer need....or so we thought. We did find boxes and sent home our camping gear and some accessories that would no longer be needed since we planned on taking the train. Almost immediately after dropping the boxes off at the Post Office, we decided to check into a rental car because we both still dreamed of seeing more of the coast and the redwood forests that the train was sure to eliminate. Turns out, renting a car for 3 days is actually the same price as train tickets are, and if a direct route was taken, the car would also be about 3 times faster. God bless America eh? The only problem with this is that all of our camping stuff was now in two boxes at the Post Office so we would not get to camp in the Redwood forest. We briefly discussed asking for a refund and our boxes back, but we then remembered our last camping experience and decided that our camping supplies just weren't warm enough even if we did have it. With new plans penciled into our literary, only penciled at this point due to the two bike limit on local buses that still must be overcome to get to Ukiah, we set out to enjoy Point Arena, right after a nap. We both were still pretty sick and now feeling worse than we previously had probably due to our arctic camping expedition of the night before. A small nap and our hungry bellies were more than enough to whet our appetites for the sites of Point Arena however, so off we set for the pier, the main town attraction and site of the pizza place that we patronized the night before. The pizza tonight was good, and we ate it with the wine we bought so that we could lighten our load further, and after packing, we went to sleep early hoping to catch the bus in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. glad your in a car...camping sounds aweful...witches and racoons, freezing nights! yuk. Give me a Hampton anytime!
