Saturday, August 28, 2010

"Is that box undersized?"

The unthinkable happened as soon as we arrived at the airport, which was made possible thanks to the support of Peter Brown and the bouge-mobile; driving people around in style for about a week now. The lady checking our bags immediately asked if they were under the size limits (they weren't), and for a brief moment, I thought that a simple, "yes." on my part would provide our passage. No such luck. She returned with a yard stick. Turns out that 75% of our boxes were oversized which would be great if that was my bio final score, but instead that meant that we had to pay a total of 420 dollars for our boxes to ship which was after a performance of shock followed with kindness yet riddled with my disbelief and apologies for not knowing that they were oversized which got us one box counted as appropriately sized. After the kindness that got one of our boxes on the plane unpenalized, some useless woman who had previously been so content chatting with her co-worker that she couldn't tell me whether or not I needed to check-in if I had online and had my boarding pass printed already, finally breaks off the conversation that she was having to come over and attempt to inspect the box herself. I told her simply that it had already been measured and would not need to be measured again. Alyssa, angry and slightly in disbelief that that we were forced to pay for the boxes that we knew were oversized, turned her attentions on me to inquire why I had not thrown my carry-on in frustration in the style that I would have employed on our previous trip. It seems that I have turned over a new leaf. We settled in at a gate a one or two down from our own and started looking for places to stay since couchsurfing had failed us thus far, and taking some photos. Next thing we knew, they were saying our names over the PA system. Curious, I sent Alyssa to investigate. Turns out, our flight had already boarded and they didn't want to leave without us! We apologized and the rest of the night and our flights, aside from a yaowling child whose mother did nothing to silence him for our entire twenty minute descent into San Francisco, was uneventful. Alyssa and I did the Sky Mall crossword and played Anagramarama. We saw some other cyclists with the same idea setting up in the baggage claim area who were being watched over by a large bunny(good karma), and we took a shuttle to the hotel. After getting our room, briefly inspecting the boxes and pondering whether or not there might be any damage done or lost pieces due to the fact that they wouldn't fit into the x-ray machine and required a hand inspection by homeland security, we went on a chilly walk to IHOP and then to bed.

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